Dan rock žena

11. marec, 2023

Cena: 15.00


Dan rock žena

Hellcats bodo tudi letos na vse ženskem večeru na velikem odru Orto bara predstavile ljubljanski publiki novi dve dekliški skupini.


Ženska rokenrol družina se nezadržno veča in v Sloveniji k temu največ pripomore festival Dan rock žena, ki že od leta 2015 organizirata sestri Saša in Sonja Zagorc iz skupine Hellcatsil v najbolj rokerskem klubu v državi – v Orto baru – na začetku v zgornji manjši dvorani, zadnja leta pa se je dogodek zaradi velikega zanimanja preselil v večjo spodnjo, koncertno dvorano.


Namen festivala je že od samega začetka enak in na prvem mestu je iskanje in spodbujanje kvalitetnih ustvarjalk v rock glasbi širšega spektra in jim nuditi referenčno prizorišče za svoj udarni nastop pred zahtevno ljubljansko publiko.

Do sedaj so se predstavile tako uveljavljene kot neuveljavljene skupine, ki jim je nastop na dnevu rock žena pomenil pomembno etapo v nadaljnji karieri. Sicer je za festival vedno več prijav in zanimanja za nastope, na različnih nivojih pa se je razvila tudi konstruktivna debata o položaju žensk v glasbi. Po svetu je takih dogodkov vedno več in organizatorke so na ta zemljevid umestile tudi Slovenijo.

DAN ROCK ŽENA has been supporting all-female bands since 2015. This year HELLCATS invited two wonderful all-female bands Wicked Asylum from Milano (Italy) and Replicᴜnts from Belgrade (Serbia)�Get your tickets � HERE:
See you on 11th of March in Orto Bar Ljubljana !Stay tuned for more info!
REPLICUNTS are a three piece all female punk band from Belgrade, Serbia. The started their story in 2012. and since then they released one album, called “Replicunts”. They’ve played numerous shows in Serbia and abroad, festivals and they have two european tours. The “replicunts sound” is a mix of an old school punk and melodic hardcore punk.
WICKED ASYLUM was officially born in Como in 2009; since 2015, with a new shining line-up they hit the stage on numerous stages in Northern Italy and Europe, establishing themselves undeniably as one of the major European all female acts in the Metal scene. Largely appraised abroad, they have the pleasure to play in clubs and festivals in Germany, Slovenia and Switzerland.
In 2016 they released their first EP “Rebirth” and two videos, “In My Soul” and “Silent Watchers”.
Out of the Mist saw the light on 21st February 2020, collecting more than 20k on Spotify alone in a single week.
They are currently working on their second full-length, which will be released in the first quarter of 2023.
HELLCATS band was formed in 2003 in Ljubljana, Slovenia by the sisters Sasha and Sonja Zagorc. Due to the small size of Slovenian music space it wasn’t easy to find many female musicians. After numerous resounding concerts on big stages they twice performed at Metal Camp festival, Viva la Pola festival in Croatia, Metal Franconia festival in Germany and many more. In 2012 the all-female quartet was invited to tour Russia. where they played a series of gigs, including the biggest rock festival in Kaluga titled “Zheleznye devy” or “Iron Girls” and travelled from Moscow to Kaluga, Ryazan to Tula and Tambov City. In the summer of 2012 they were chosen among more than 400 groups and performed at the biggest music festival Jelen Demofest in Banja Luka (BIH). In 2013 they released their debut album Divja pot in Slovenian language and in 2014, the English version Warrior Princess was released in Milano at the beginning of their Italian tour. In 2015 they went on a first German tour and in 2022 on first England tour, which was a great step, because they were very well accepted there. They are returning back in 2023. They have released four videos, »Steelrider«, »Now is my time«, »Demon Dreams« and »I am«.
Hellcats are recording a new album at the moment.


Informacije o dogodku

Datum 11. marec, 2023

Začetek dogodka 19:00 CET

Konec dogodka: 23:00 CET

Lokacija: ORTO CLUB / KLUB

Telefon: +386 1 23 21 674

Email: info@orto-bar.com

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