14. oktober, 2023

Cena: 15.00


Red Hot Chili Peppers Tribute-Get On Funk izvrstni italijanski RHCP tribute band , ki že desetletje in pol nastopa na številnih odrih v Italiji in Švici bo nastopil tudi v Ortu. Ne zamudite!!!


The band was born as a tribute to the Red Hot Chili Peppers with the aim of reproposing faithfully and professionally the energy and the adrenaline that the Peppers have been transmitting for years. After several gigs in Italy and Switzerland, in 2012 they attended the 9th official RHCP fans meeting, organized by Venicequeen (italian RHCP fanclub) as a tribute band, with great success and positive public criticism.

In recent years the band keeps on treading the best stages in the whole Italy; bringing music, energy and entertainment. In 2016 they celebrate 10 years of live activity.


The vocal similarity of the singer Daniele (Anthony Kiedis lookalike) and the professionalism of the other musicians make it not to be missed every concert of the band, with a great stage and sound impact, thanks also to faithful instruments. The setlist ranges from the debut album to the current hits, reproducing the characteristic sound of RHCP through the various hits and the rare songs for funk enthusiasts.


Get On Funk: The Real RHCP experience.

Informacije o dogodku

Datum 14. oktober, 2023

Začetek dogodka 19:00 CET

Konec dogodka: 23:00 CET

Lokacija: ORTO CLUB / KLUB

Telefon: +386 1 23 21 674


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