Queen Tribute Band-6 Pence-Queen Experience

28. januar, 2023

Cena: 12.00


Predstavil se bo izvrstni italijanski Queen tribute band iz Trsta, 6 PENCE-Queen Tribute. Band vas bo popeljal na potovanje od začetkov skupine Queen pa do zadnjega koncerta…live at Wembley 86.

leta 2010 v Trstu bobnar Alessandro Colombo, ki ga žene močna strast do britanske skupine, sreča Salvatoreja Spataforo, glasbenika, ki ga globoko navdihujejo kitare Briana Maya, in skupaj se odločita podati v to, kar bo postalo pomembna glasbena avantura.

Po prvih nastopih v majhnih tržaških pivnicah je dogodek poleti 2014 končno lansiral 6 Pence: “live in Piazza Verdi” v Trstu pred več kot 3000 ljudmi. Koncert je omogočil, da je skupino spoznalo veliko ljudi, bil pa je tudi priložnost za debi z glasom Walterja Bosella, ki je s svojim pevskim znanjem osupnil ves trg.

Po tem prvem velikem uspehu sledita dve nadaljnji spremembi v zasedbi skupine, ki 6 Pence pripeljeta do trenutne končne zasedbe s Francescom Coluccijem na basu in Danielejem Girardellijem (Sinheresy) na klaviaturah, ki prihajata iz dveh različnih glasbenih žanrov, vendar si delita strast do Queen.  Leta 2017 je predstava Wembley ’86 debitirala s prvo uprizoritvijo v Teatru Miela v Trstu, ki je bila razprodana že teden dni pred dogodkom. Skupina se je podala na nacionalno turnejo po italijanskih gledališčih, ki je v letih 2017 in 2018 dosegla Brescio Padovo, Videm, Mantovo, Benetke in Gradež.



6 Pence – Queen Tribute Band


in Trieste, in 2010 the drummer Alessandro Colombo, pushed by the strong passion for the British group, meets Salvatore Spatafora, a musician deeply inspired by the guitars of Brian May and together they decide to go into what will become an important musical adventure.

After the firsts lives in the small pubs of Trieste, in the summer of 2014 the event has finally launched the 6 Pence: a “live in Piazza Verdi” in Trieste in front of more than 3,000 people. The concert allowed the band to be known by many people and was also the occasion of the debut to the voice of Walter Bosello who astonished the entire square with his singing skills.

After this first great satisfaction follow two further training changes that bring the 6 Pence to the current final line up with Francesco Colucci on bass and Daniele Girardelli (Sinheresy) on keyboards, coming from two different musical situations but sharing the passion for the Queen. The group thus defined continues the series of live performances in which it proposes the hits and not only of the English band, with a careful dose of inspiration and through an instrumentation faithful to the original. In 2017 the show “Wembley ’86” debuted with the first performance at the Teatro Miela in Trieste, which saw a sold out already a week before the event. The band has embarked on a national tour in Italian theaters which has reached Brescia Padova Udine Mantova Venezia Grado in 2017 and 2018, which will be repeated in 2019.


The Show Must Go on


Event Details

Date: 28. januar, 2023

Start time: 19:00 CET

End time: 23:00 CET


Phone: +386 1 23 21 674

Email: info@orto-bar.com

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