BLACK-Metallica tribute band

5. oktober, 2024

Cena: 15.00


Black, Metallica Tribute band je bil ustanovljen leta 2016 . Band je sestavljen iz vrhunskih glasbenikov, strastnih oboževalcev  Metallice. Fizična podobnost frontmana z Jamesom Hetfieldom je usupljiva in band je hitro postal najbolj zaželen Metallica tribute band. Za njim so številni razprodani koncerti po celotni Europi.Po razprodani zagrebški dvorani Lisinski in Cankarjevem domu s projektom Symphony se Black zopet vračajo  v Orto!


Black, Metallica Tribute band, was formed in 2016 by experienced musicians and big fans of the Metallica. Great playing skills of all members, energetic stage performance and almost unbelievable physical similarity between front man of the band with Metallica’s James Hetfield very quickly made this band most wanted Metallica tribute band with a lot of sold out concerts all over Europe!
Just in 2022. band had several concerts in Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Switzerland.

Informacije o dogodku

Datum 5. oktober, 2024

Začetek dogodka 19:00 CET

Konec dogodka: 23:00 CET

Lokacija: ORTO CLUB / KLUB

Telefon: +386 1 23 21 674


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