Fed Horses

18. oktober, 2024





Urša Mihevc, glas, tamburin;

Jure Mihevc, kitara;

Andraž Mazi, kitara, lap steel;

Matej Tekavčič, bas kitara;

Marco Calì,bobni ;





Skupina Fed Horses je velika in pomembna osvežitev v slovenski popularni glasbi, ki prispeva h krajinski in žanrski različnosti domače glasbene scene ter je sinonim za kakovostno popularno glasbo. To ustvarja na presečišču indieja in popa. Skozi novoizdani album M. L. A. D. se poklanja področju duševnega zdravja in odstira novo zvočno krajino, izmikajoč se začetnemu katriju.


“Včasih je dovolj samo vedeti, da nekdo obstaja in bolj mirno zreš v prihodnost glasbe. Brez zadržkov, Fed Horses. Urša Mihevc in Jure Mihevc. Prvi vokal sodobne pop/rock produkcije in avtorski tandem, ki bolečine in srečo deli brez sprenevedanj. Najbolje v živo z bendom. Album “M.L.A.D.” je zgodba o iskanju, zgodba slehernika. Fed Horses zgodbe pripovedujejo za tiste, ki tega ne znamo. Ne slepo verjeti zapisanemu. Prepričajte se sami.” (Andrej Karoli, Val 202)


The Fed Horses band is a significant and refreshing presence in Slovenian popular music, contributing to the landscape and genre diversity of the local music scene, synonymous with high-quality popular music. This is crafted at the intersection of indie and pop.The album pays homage to mental health and unveils some societal themes the group believes are underrepresented in the public eye. In the album, they unveil a new sonic landscape, departing from their initial country attempts, leading into an entirely new musical experience.

“Sometimes, knowing that someone exists is enough to gaze more peacefully into the future of music. Without reservation, Fed Horses. Urša Mihevc and Jure Mihevc. The forefront of contemporary pop/rock production and a creative duo that shares pain and happiness without pretense. Best experienced live with the band. The album “M.L.A.D.” is a story of searching, a story of every individual. Fed Horses tell stories for those of us who don’t know how. Don’t blindly believe what’s written. See for yourself.” (Andrej Karoli, Val 202)


Informacije o dogodku

Datum 18. oktober, 2024

Začetek dogodka 19:00 CET

Konec dogodka: 23:00 CET

Lokacija: ORTO CLUB / KLUB

Telefon: +386 1 23 21 674

Email: info@orto-bar.com

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