Black Diamonds so italijanski KISS tribute band. Začeli so nastopati leta 2008 v bližini Torina. Že od samega začetka so se želeli čimbolj približati nastopu originalne ameriške zasedbe KISS.
Igrali so v številnih italijanskih in evropskih dvoranah in izvedejo odlično KIss predstavo,vključno s kostimi in originalnim šovom.
Črni Diamanti so :
Roberto”the demon” Minato
Alessandro ”the spaceman” Martinengo
Gilberto”the catman”Puntillo
Black diamonds italian kiss tribute band The band starts to play in 2008 near the city of Torino to offer a live act similar a classic show of the original american band of KISS.growing up in small pubs of Torino,the band goes on to play in more and more pubs,concert halls and beerfest of Italy and Europe with a great and fun show The live acts repeats the kiss original show with costumes, make up, lighs and fireworks and a set list from the ’70 plus few new songs
Black Diamonds are:
Roberto”the demon” Minato
Alessandro ”the spaceman” Martinengo
Gilberto”the catman”Puntillo