Na DAN ROCK ŽENA! prihajajo metal zvezde NERVOSA!
V Ljubljano prihaja iz Sao Paula v Braziliji najpopularnejša ženska thrash metal skupina ta hip, ki bo evropsko turnejo začela prav v Sloveniji. Točno na dan žena 8. marca bodo nastopile v Orto baru, kamor so jih povabile gostiteljice HELLCATS, ki jih kot prvo žensko metal skupino iz tega dela Evrope brazilske soborke poznajo in so tudi zato z navdušenjem sprejele vabilo. Večer bodo odprle odlično uigrane ROUGUENOIRE, ženski power kvintet iz Milana v Italiji. Hellcats bodo tokrat nastopile na zlati sredini večera posvečenega ženskam ustvarjalkam.
VSTOPNICE za DAN ROCK ŽENA 2024 so že v prodaji. Earlybird vstopnice po 15 eur, na dan koncerta v prodaji po 20 €, v predprodaji pa po 17 €.
Dan Rock Žena je glasbeni festival, ki ima izključno žensko postavo, kar pomeni, da bodo en dan na odru samo dekleta. Festival podpira glasbenice tako, da jim daje mesto v glasbi, ki si ga zaslužijo, in jih spodbuja k ustvarjanju ter jim pomaga pri predstavitvi svoje avtorske glasbe. Dan Rock Žena poteka v Ljubljani 8. marca – na mednarodni dan žena, ki je globalni dan, ko praznujemo socialne, ekonomske, kulturne in politične dosežke žensk in je osrednja točka gibanja za pravice žensk.
Običajno na punk, rock in še posebej metal sceni v Sloveniji prevladujejo moški, zato so se Hellcats kot prva izključno ženska metal skupina v Sloveniji in širše soočale s kar nekaj kritikami in imele več težav kot njihovi moški kolegi.
Vstopnina :
early bird : 15 €
predprodaja : 17 €
na dan koncerta : 20 €
The best all female thrash metal band at the moment, NERVOSA is coming to Ljubljana.
Female musicians from Brazil are going to start their European tour in Slovenia, celebrating the International women’s day the 8 th of March in Ljubljana. The festival will also feature HELLCATS, first all female metal band from this part of Europe and ROUGUENOIRE, all female power quintet from Milano, Italy.
TICKETS for DAN ROCK ŽENA 2024 are going on sale on Monday, January the 22nd. Earlybird tickets for 15 eur.
Regular price tickets will be on sale for 20€ on the day of the concert and 17€ on presale.
Dan Rock Žena is a music festival which has an all-female line-up, that means that for one day only girls are there to hit the stage. The festival supports female musicians by giving them the place in music they deserve and encourages them into music and also helps them to present their original music. Dan Rock Žena takes place in Ljubljana on 8th of March – the International Women’s Day which is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and is a focal point in the movement for women’s rights.
Nervosa was formed in 2010 in São Paulo (Brazil) and has toured the world alongside big names in the International Metal Scene. In 2020 the band changed the line-up and reached the highest positions in the music charts in several countries with the singles from their renowned album “Perpetual Chaos” released in January 2021. In the same year, the album so acclaimed by the press entered several rankings as the best album of the year among other categories. Nervosa is considered an important reference in the Female Metal Scene as well as in the Thrash Metal Scene worldwide being known for its compositions characterized by its own style.
Nervosa is formed by:
Prika Amaral – Vocals and Guitars
Helena Kotina – Guitars
Hel Pyre – Bass
Michaela Naydenova – Drums
Hellcats is the first all-female metal band from Slovenia. The band was formed in 2003 in Ljubljana by sisters Sasha and Sonja Zagorc, who are also the authors of the lyrics and music.
Due to the small size of Slovenian music scene, they spent quite some time looking for talented musicians with the desire to play and create the scope of this type of music genre. There are not many of them in Slovenia, because such a path is tiring and, above all, very atypical for girls. That was the main reason that in 2015 the sisters decided to organize a festival dedicated to women in rock music named “Dan rock žena” (Women’s Rock Day). The festival supports female musicians by giving them the place in music they deserve and encourages them into music and also helps them to present their original music.
In 2012 the all-female quartet was invited to tour Russia. In 2013 they released their debut album Divja pot in Slovenian language and in 2014, the English version Warrior Princess was released in Milano at the beginning of their Italian tour. The album had some great reviews and was critically acclaimed in many countries around the world.
In 2022 Hellcats were touring England for the first time and they were very well accepted there. They returned in 2023 when they performed at London’s iconic club The 100 Club on Oxford Street, together with Clem Burke from Blondie. In May 2024 they are touring Wales, Scotland and UK again. In the summer they will headline a festival in Finland and in the fall they are going to tour West Europe. Hellcats are currently recording the new album. The fresh single and the video titled Black Thunder (Črna Burja) has been released recently.
Sasha Zagorc – Bass
Sonja Zagorc – Drums
Mia Marinič – Guitar
Sara Simeunovič – Vocals
Powerful female quintet from Italy. Founded in 2005 in Milano. They released 2 albums. Their founder Sabarax describes the Rougenoire music as explosive, sensual and powerful. Expect awesome guitar riffs, driving rock with powerful vocals.
Sabrina “Sabarax” Marabelli – Guitar
Sara “Foxy Lady” Di Fonzo – Guitar
Christina Kiraya Migliazza – Drums
Lisa “Madhatter” Mancini – Bass
Silva “Sissi” Venturini – Vocals
Dan Rock Žena (Womens Rock Day) is the festival which supports all female bands in Europe and further. Sisters Sasha&Sonja Zagorc, the founders of the first all female metal group in Slovenia Hellcats, had an idea back in 2015 to invite female artists and make a festival in their hometown Ljubljana unlike all the others in the region.
Usually the punk, rock and especially metal scene in Slovenia is male-dominated so the Hellcats as the first all female metal group in Slovenia and ex-Yugoslavia had to deal with quite a lot of criticism and had much more hard times then their male colegues back in the 2003 when they started. If it wasn’t for their fans and friends from Norway, UK, America and Germany, who were supporting them from the beginning, they would give up for sure. They were the DIY band since the beginning. Writing songs, making the graphic design, PR, management, driving to the gigs and drag your own equipment to the stage and down after the show and much more. This kept their head on the right place when their career grew and when the tours and big gigs came.
If you want to succide in the male world you need, beside the good songs, to be strong, stubborn and have a strong will, so you can have a good argument if you hear common nonsens like »you got the gig because you are beautiful«. That’s why the two sisters have decided to help other young female musicians and all female bands by giving them the chance to be heard. And with that, they are a pioneer in fighting for the rights of women in rock music in this part of Europe.