Final Semester Party – One More Time

8. december, 2023


Še zadnjič lahko zažurate s tujimi študenti, preden se odpravijo domov!


The last party of the semester before everyone goes home! 🛩️

Endings are as important as beginnings, that is why we are bringing everybody together one more time before everyone leaves the city.

Expect to see everyone you survived the semester with! It is time for one more night of memories before saying goodbye to

So let’s finish on a high and blow the roof off! ☀️

▬▬▬ TICKETS ▬▬▬

Tickets for the Final Semester Party are only available when buying a combination ticket for now.

▬▬▬ Event Details ▬▬▬

🔞 All of our events are for 18 and above. You are required to bring a hardcopy driver’s license, ID Card, or passport. Tickets are non refundable but transferable. We have great photographers present at our events, so please dress up.

📸 Follow us on instagram @isninternational

Event Details

Date: 8. december, 2023

Start time: 21:00 CET

End time: 03:00 CET


Phone: +386 1 23 21 674


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